Digital Marketing Content Strategy to Get Over 7 Figures on YouTube

digital marketing content strategy to achieve 7 figures on youtube Jul 22, 2024
Digital Marketing Content Strategy to Achieve 7 Figures on YouTube

Ever since I mapped out the seven-part digital marketing content strategy, my clients and I have consistently hit six and over seven figures in profit. Following these steps will help you maximize your business potential using YouTube. There are seven components that must align to reach seven figures, similar to how Abraham Maslow talks about in his hierarchy of needs.

1. Craft Your Dream Lifestyle

This is the most important step because it ensures that your business and marketing strategy support the dream lifestyle you want. Ask yourself: What does your dream lifestyle look like, and how do you want your business to create that for you?

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Clarify your target audience by looking at both demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, geographic region, education) and psychographics (personality traits, values, lifestyle, mindset, opinions). Define the psychographics and demographics of your target audience to tailor your content effectively.

3. Create Valuable Offerings

Your offerings should provide value to your target audience beyond just videos on YouTube. This includes freebies, low-ticket offers, and high-ticket offers. Are you clear on your offerings? Make sure to have at least a freebie that leads to an offer, especially if it's recurring, to provide sustainable revenue.

4. Consistent Content Strategy

Develop a consistent content strategy that maintains quality. Are you clear on your YouTube content strategy? Whether you prefer podcasts, live sessions, short, or long-form content, ensure you have been consistent with it. Include clear calls to action in your videos to guide viewers to your next level of products and services.

5. Capture Qualified Leads with a Funnel

Create a compelling landing page with an effective headline, video, and copy for each of your offerings, including freebies. Do you have a compelling landing page and funnels? If not, consider using Kajabi, which comes with a free one-hour strategy session with me. Check out my past videos about Kajabi to learn more.

6. Consistent Sales and Cash Flow Process

Ensure your landing page leads to consistent sales and cash flow. This might include sales conversations for high-ticket items or a buy-now option for lower-ticket items. Having a recurring offering can provide consistent monthly revenue.

7. Deliver and Scale Your Contribution

Plan how you will deliver on your promise to clients and scale your contribution. This might involve hiring a team, speaking gigs, podcast collaborations, or contributing to a bigger mission and purpose through charity. Are you ready to deliver on your promise and scale your efforts?

These are the seven components of a successful YouTube business strategy. If you would like guidance and assistance with mapping out and implementing your unique strategy, apply below to work with me and my team. We offer a range of services, including a do-it-yourself course, group and private support, funnel creation, video editing, email copywriting, and more.

For a detailed walkthrough on setting up your membership site on Kajabi, watch the full video here:Digital Marketing Content Strategy To Get Over 7 Figures On YouTube.

In this video, I go into greater depth on each of these steps, sharing tips and insights that you won’t want to miss.

P.S. Speaking of YouTube, I've recently been overloaded by the response from my channel. With SO many leads coming in…. I’ve created a superstar team to better serve my audience and clients.

If you're an entrepreneur or YouTuber looking to scale your business while staying true to YOUR values, we are HERE to help you take this to the next level. We are here to support you at every stage of your journey.

We provide services like:

  • Video editing, scripting, and uploading with SEO 
  • Repurposing content into shorts
  • Distribution on other social media platforms
  • Responding to YouTube and social media comments
  • Channel and website rebranding and optimization
  • Funnel strategy and creation
  • Getting you featured on prominent podcasts
  • Content strategizing to reach your target audience
  • Customer acquisition assistance from YouTube for fast ROI
  • Creation of a Grand Slam offer suite

Learn more about how you can work with Ari the Creator to grow and scale your business to 7 figures and beyond using YouTube πŸš€

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