Do YouTube Views and Subscribers Really Matter? Hereโ€™s the Truth.

do youtube views and subscribers matter? Jun 13, 2024
Do YouTube Views and Subscribers Really Matter? The Truth Revealed by Ari - Ari sharing insights on reconnecting with your purpose and finding true fulfillment in content creation.

Do YouTube Views and Subscribers Really Matter? Here’s the Truth.

Do you ever feel like you’re tirelessly creating content, chasing clients, and pushing for views and subscribers, only to find yourself stuck?

In today's content-driven world, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers. We often focus on views and subscribers, thinking they're the key to success. But what if I told you that they're not the most important metrics?

Take Vanessa Lau, a highly successful YouTuber, who recently quit due to mental fatigue. Despite her large following, the pressure to keep growing her numbers took a toll on her well-being. This shows that high views and subscribers aren't the ultimate goals.

Instead, the key to true success lies in reconnecting with your purpose. Ask yourself: What impact do I want to make? When you focus on genuine service and your mission, you not only attract more clients but also find deeper fulfillment in your work.

I’ve seen this firsthand. Even with relatively low views and subscribers, I’ve achieved significant milestones. By prioritizing meaningful content and authentic connections, I’ve increased sales, refined offers, and generated leads effectively. This approach has brought me financial success and personal satisfaction.

When financial results aren't as expected, it’s tempting to tweak strategies, systems, and offers. However, we often neglect our internal state—our judgments, egos, and perceptions. Embracing genuine service and purpose can create a powerful shift.

Imagine working from a place of full authenticity, exuding confidence, and radiating positivity. This shift can bring more joy, greater financial success, and profound fulfillment. Embrace your unique essence and attract effortless abundance into your life.

It’s time to stop chasing numbers and start living your mission. Connect deeply, serve genuinely, and watch your business transform.

LINK TO VIDEO: Subscribers Don't Matter On YouTube, Here’s What Does

P.S. Speaking of YouTube, I've recently been overloaded by the response from my channel. With SO many leads coming in…. I’ve created a superstar team to better serve my audience and clients.

If you're an entrepreneur or YouTuber looking to scale your business while staying true to YOUR values, we are HERE to help you take this to the next level. We are here to support you at every stage of your journey.

We provide services like:

  • Video editing, scripting, and uploading with SEO 
  • Repurposing content into shorts
  • Distribution on other social media platforms
  • Responding to YouTube and social media comments
  • Channel and website rebranding and optimization
  • Funnel strategy and creation
  • Getting you featured on prominent podcasts
  • Content strategizing to reach your target audience
  • Customer acquisition assistance from YouTube for fast ROI
  • Creation of a Grand Slam offer suite


If you’re interested, click the link to learn more and to apply to work with me. 

Learn more about how you can work with Ari the Creator to grow and scale your business to 7 figures and beyond using YouTube ๐Ÿš€

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