How I Helped a Client Earn $50k in Recurring Revenue with Kajabi in Just Two Weeks

kajabi membership site tutorial Jul 04, 2024
Step-by-step guide to building a $50K Kajabi membership site in 2 weeks.

How I Helped a Client Earn $50k in Recurring Revenue with Kajabi in Just Two Weeks

Have you ever wondered how you can generate significant recurring revenue through a membership site? Recently, I helped a client achieve $50,000 in recurring revenue in just two weeks using Kajabi. Here’s how we did it step-by-step, so you can replicate this success in your own business.

I recently helped a client earn $50,000 in recurring revenue through a Kajabi membership site. We launched this about two weeks ago, and the results were impressive: $22,000 from the monthly plan, $28,000 from the annual plan, and an additional $7,000 from other products and services.

My client wanted to generate recurring income through a low-ticket membership. She was feeling the entrepreneurial and YouTuber burnout and wanted more time to spend with her kids, travel, and enjoy her life. She already had a team in place, which was crucial to our success. Here’s the step-by-step process we followed:

Step 1: Define the Dream Lifestyle

The first step was to get crystal clear on her dream lifestyle. We asked ourselves, would a low-ticket membership help achieve this? We wanted to create a membership that aligned with her desired lifestyle, offering the best course materials, monthly live Q&As, and a directory for easy access to answers.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

Next, we conducted thorough market research. We looked at other membership sites in her niche, studied their landing pages, features, and reviews. We also ran polls on her YouTube community tab to understand what her audience wanted and how much they were willing to pay.

Step 3: Solidify the What and How

We mapped out a clear roadmap for what her members would learn and the logistics of how the membership would work. We outlined the pricing plans, monthly live Q&A schedules, and other details to ensure everything was clear and aligned with her lifestyle.

Step 4: Create a High-Converting Landing Page

I worked on creating a high-converting landing page with a 7.8% conversion rate. The page included a strong headline, sub-headline, video explanation, countdown timer for urgency, and detailed information about the membership benefits.

Step 5: Set Up Kajabi Offers and Products

We set up the offers and products in Kajabi, including the monthly and annual plans. We ensured that members would receive immediate access to the course materials, live Q&A sessions, and other features upon purchase.

Step 6: Launch the Membership and Market It

We launched the membership and started marketing it through YouTube, Instagram, and email broadcasts. We posted long-form videos, shorts, and community tab posts on YouTube, along with stories, carousels, and regular posts on Instagram. The email broadcasts provided value and promoted the membership launch.

Step 7: Deliver and Relax

Now, my client is delivering on her promises, preparing for the monthly live Q&A sessions, and enjoying her time with her kids and traveling. This success story is about more than just numbers; it’s about the impact and fulfillment of helping people through her expertise.

Conclusion: Aligning Business with Lifestyle

This process isn’t just about making money; it’s about creating a business that aligns with your ideal lifestyle and fulfills you. If you’re interested in launching a membership site or need help with your business, I’m here to assist beginners, advanced, and elite entrepreneurs. Feel free to reach out to me for support.

Remember, it’s not just about the financial success, but the impact you make and the life you create. Subscribe to my channel for more content and inspiration to help you on your journey.

For a more detailed walkthrough, check out the full video tutorial on my YouTube channel: How to Build a Membership Site on Kajabi

In this video, I go into greater depth on each of these steps, sharing tips and insights that you won’t want to miss.

P.S. Speaking of YouTube, I've recently been overloaded by the response from my channel. With SO many leads coming in…. I’ve created a superstar team to better serve my audience and clients.

If you're an entrepreneur or YouTuber looking to scale your business while staying true to YOUR values, we are HERE to help you take this to the next level. We are here to support you at every stage of your journey.

We provide services like:

  • Video editing, scripting, and uploading with SEO 
  • Repurposing content into shorts
  • Distribution on other social media platforms
  • Responding to YouTube and social media comments
  • Channel and website rebranding and optimization
  • Funnel strategy and creation
  • Getting you featured on prominent podcasts
  • Content strategizing to reach your target audience
  • Customer acquisition assistance from YouTube for fast ROI
  • Creation of a Grand Slam offer suite

Learn more about how you can work with Ari the Creator to grow and scale your business to 7 figures and beyond using YouTube πŸš€

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