How to Overcome What’s Holding You Back and EXPLODE Your Business

how to overcome what’s holding you back and explode your business Aug 16, 2024
Entrepreneur focusing on business strategy to overcome challenges and achieve success

Do you ever feel like you’re putting in all the effort, but your business just isn’t growing the way you hoped? You’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs find themselves in this cycle, tirelessly chasing success but feeling like they’re spinning their wheels. The truth is, the path to success isn’t just about working harder; it’s about working smarter and embracing the right mindset. In my latest video, I share three powerful steps that will help you overcome the barriers holding you back and set your business on a path to explosive growth.

Step 1: Embrace the Highest Version of Yourself

The journey to success begins with you. Often, the biggest obstacle isn’t external but internal—your mindset. To truly achieve your business goals, you need to start embodying the highest version of yourself right now. This means adopting the mindset, habits, and actions of the successful person you aspire to be, even before you see the results. It’s about confidence, vision, and intentionality in every decision you make.

Imagine you’ve already achieved your biggest goals. How would you think, act, and make decisions? Start living that way today. This shift in mindset will naturally lead you to make choices that align with your goals, opening up opportunities and driving you closer to success.

Step 2: Let Go of What Isn’t Serving You 

We all have limiting beliefs that hold us back—thoughts like, “What will people think?” or “I’m not ready yet.” These beliefs are often rooted in fear and can be incredibly powerful if left unchecked. They can prevent you from taking risks, trying new things, or even seeing your own potential. The second step in breaking through to the next level in your business is to identify and release these limiting beliefs.

Take a moment to reflect on what’s really holding you back. Is it fear of failure? Fear of judgement? Once you’ve identified these limiting beliefs, challenge them. Ask yourself, “Is this true?” and “What’s the worst that could happen if I take this risk?” Often, you’ll find that these fears are unfounded. By letting go of them, you can free yourself to pursue your business goals with greater confidence and clarity.

Step 3: Do What You Need To Do To Step Into the New Version of You – Celebrate Your Wins! 

Success isn’t just about reaching the end goal; it’s about the journey. Along this journey, it’s crucial to recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrating your wins reinforces positive behaviour, boosts your confidence, and provides the motivation you need to keep going. It’s also a way of acknowledging the progress you’ve made and the growth you’ve experienced along the way.

Don’t wait until you’ve hit a major milestone to celebrate. Each step forward is worth acknowledging. By celebrating your wins, you not only enjoy the journey more but also reinforce the behaviour and mindset that will lead you to even greater success. Each celebration is a step toward stepping into the next, more empowered version of yourself.

Success is more than just a destination; it’s a transformation. It’s about becoming the person you need to be to achieve your goals. By embracing the highest version of yourself, letting go of limiting beliefs, and celebrating your wins, you can overcome the obstacles that are holding you back and truly explode your business. 

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, watch the full video for a deeper dive into these strategies and more.

Link to the video: What’s holding you back from EXPLODING in business

While I help open up eyes and sees what’s possible, I also help you with the technical aspects of your business. 

We provide services like:


  • Funnel strategy and creation
  • Channel and website rebranding and optimization
  • Graphic design 
  • Content strategizing to reach your target audience
  • Customer acquisition assistance from YouTube for fast ROI
  • Creation of a Grand Slam offer suite


If you’re interested, click the link to learn more and to apply to work with me.


Learn more about how you can work with Ari the Creator to grow and scale your business to 7 figures and beyond using YouTube 🚀

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