Refund Policy 

We understand the importance of customer satisfaction and strive to provide valuable educational and informational products and services. Please review our refund and cancellation policy below:

YouTube Business Accelerator Mentorship Community:

All sales for the Silver, Gold, and Diamond package are final. Once purchased, refunds are not available. You agree to commit to your package for a minimum of 90 days. Cancellations are available for the following billing month after the initial 90 day period. Whenever you cancel, you will continue to have access to the program for the remainder of your billing period. 

If you choose to unsubscribe, your access to the training modules, biweekly group calls, and private members area will be revoked. 

In the event that we choose to revoke your membership, the amount refunded will be calculated based on the percentage of your billing cycle that you have completed. For example, if your access is revoked after utilizing 20% of your billing cycle, you will be eligible for a refund for the remaining 80% of your subscription fee. 

Single Strategy Sessions & Long-Term Coaching Packages:

All purchases of Single Strategy Sessions & Long-Term Coaching Packages are non-refundable and final. Once a session is acquired, there are no options for refunds or cancellations.  Please note that any refunds granted will be processed in accordance with our internal procedures and may take some time to complete.

For any inquiries or refund requests, please contact [email protected] We appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you with our educational resources.

No-shows for private sessions:

Life can be unpredictable, and I recognize that sometimes unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from attending our scheduled private sessions. If such a situation arises, I kindly ask that you inform me at your earliest convenience prior to the session. In the event of a first-time no-show, I will extend a courtesy reminder of our commitment. Should a second no-show occur, please understand that this will be considered a forfeiture of the session without the possibility of a refund. This policy is in place to respect the time that has been specifically reserved for you. This policy applies to Gold and Diamond packages for the YouTube Business Accelerator.